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Bill Anderson was born on March 21, 1954, and felt a calling from God in 1976. He graduated with honors from Carmel Bible Institute in 1978 and was the Honor Student from Supernatural Ministries Training Institute in 1984.

Bill is an affiliate member and former District director for Michigan with the International Convention of Faith Ministries, Inc. He was also invited to join Bishops worldwide to promote dialogue and unity between historic and renewed churches. In 2001, Bill was ordained a Bishop with ICCC (International Communion of Charismatic Churches) to help develop schools, model ministries, and media outlets.

Bishop Anderson has established Bill Anderson Ministries, Inc., an outreach ministry sending numerous evangelistic teams to other churches, the streets, and the mission fields. He is the Founder and Pastor of BAM International, a thriving, growing church in Sandusky, Michigan. BAM TV, the internet church, has reached several countries and over forty states in the USA weekly. He is the President of the Sandusky Area Association of Churches; together, they promote unity to further the cause of Christ’s Kingdom by providing combined community services, financial help, outreach, and evangelism.

World missions are in the heart of this man of God. He does his part to “go into all the world and make disciples.” Bishop Bill has already ministered extensively throughout Central and South America, Canada, Europe, Cuba, Ukraine, Germany, Portugal, Australia, and Africa. He has ministered before the masses and before those in the jungle huts.

Bishop Anderson is an Ordained Minister of the Gospel. He walks in the office of an apostle with the gift of teaching. In addition to writing the four-year curriculum for BAM University, he has authored many syllabi.

His wife, Rev. Connie, is the Administrator of BAM University Training Centers worldwide and the Director of BAM Publications. As an apostle and prophet team, they travel worldwide, establishing the believers and encouraging Local Churches.

Bishop Bill Anderson is a man of God who knows the signs of the time and has the Word for the hour. His heart is to bring the Word of God alive so that those who hear it can apply it to their lives and live it. You will be refreshed as you hear his message to the Body of Christ. This message enables people everywhere to “Let the Word Become Life in Your Life.

"This is a must-read that brings clarity and practical understanding to the life of faith.  It is a seasoned work.  Read this!"

- Archbishop Kirby Clements - Atlanta, GA

International Communion of Charismatic Churches

"Bishop Bill has always had a unique way of presenting the message with enough simplicity that all can understand yet enough meat for even the mature. You will find yourself using this book as a reference guide for your future as you go back and refer to it time and again to be refreshed about these most critical doctrines and precious insights. Job well done, Bill.
May every Christian everywhere get a copy!"

- Dr. Mark T. Barclay - Midland, MI

Living Word Church, Preacher of Righteousness

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